How to Swap
Let's commence preparing the correct token before depositing.
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Let's commence preparing the correct token before depositing.
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Let’s say you bought some BNB from an exchange, and you transferred the token from your exchange wallet to your MetaMask wallet. You still can’t deposit BNB directly into the pool on Hotpot Finance.
Here we demonstrate how to turn your BNB into WBNB to possess the required token for depositing. The process of swapping other tokens is similar to the instructions below. If you wish to swap other tokens different than the ones we demonstrate here, follow the instructions below to complete the transaction.
1. Go to the official website of Hotpot Finance. Click “Exchange.” The website will direct you to PancakeSwap afterward.
2. After being directed to PancakeSwap, click "Connect Wallet" on the upper right. If you see a pop-up message of token import, click "Import." The original setting of the page is to swap BNB to BCNT which requires you to add the information to your MetaMask wallet. No matter which token you wish to deposit, you’ll be getting BCNT as rewards. Thus, here we still check “I understand” and click “Import” to add the token information to your MetaMask wallet.
3. The link should direct you to the page where to swap BNB to BCNT. That’s not what we wish to do here. Therefore, we need to click BCNT, and search “WBNB.”
4. Click “Manage Tokens.” Here you should see at the WBNB column, it shows “Import.”
5. Switch on the first “PancakeSwap Extended.”
6. Click “Wrap.”
7. After clicking “Swap,” you’ll see a pop-up message of your MetaMask wallet. Click “Confirm.”
8. The transaction receipt will be in the upper right-hand corner. Click “View on BscScan.”
9. On this page, you can see the details of the transaction made. Click your MetaMask wallet and then click “Import.”
10. Copy the token contract address from the “Profile Summary” section and paste it to the “Token Contract Address” column.
11. Click “Import Tokens.”
12. After following through with all the steps, you should see the WBNB on your wallet.
13. Last but not least, with the correct token in hand, we can start to deposit your token into the pools you opt for.
14. Below are the other token addresses you might need: WBNB: 0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c BCNT: 0x30fe275c988d34145851b2f2d171f88329720501 CAKE: 0x0E09FaBB73Bd3Ade0a17ECC321fD13a19e81cE82 BUSD: 0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56 USDT: 0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955